Cosmetic Brow/Forehead Lift
Although droopiness of the upper eyelids can be due to excess skin, drooping of the eyebrows is often a major contributing factor. We call this dropping of the eyebrows, brow ptosis. This occurs as a result of normal sagging of the forehead. In order to correct this, we can perform a brow or forehead lift. Although there are a variety of techniques available to correct brow ptosis, not everyone is candidate for every technique. Rather, you require an individualized approach in order to achieve your functional and cosmetic goals. These procedures are performed in an outpatient setting, and are not covered by insurance.
What Techniques Are Available for Forehead Lifting?
An endoscopic brow lift can be performed to elevate the brows, producing a fresher, more alert appearance. The endoscopic browlift is performed through a series of small (typically 1-1.5 inch) incisions hidden behind the hair line. An endoscope (a fiber optic light with an attached video camera) and specialized instruments are used to mobilize the forehead. The brow is then lifted and fixated to the bone with a series of anchors. The endoscopic approach offers several advantages, including smaller incisions, reduced scarring, decreased risk of nerve damage, and a faster recovery compared to traditional open surgeries. By restoring a more youthful brow position and reducing forehead wrinkles, an endoscopic forehead lift can result in a refreshed and natural-looking appearance.
A pretrichial forehead lift, also known as a hairline browlift or an anterior hairline approach browlift, is another technique to lift and rejuvenate the brow and forehead area. The pretrichial approach involves making an incision along the hairline, enabling the surgeon to reposition the brow and address forehead wrinkles and sagging effectively. This method is particularly suitable for individuals with high foreheads or receding hairlines as the incision is strategically placed within the hairline, minimizing visible scarring. By lifting the brow and tightening the underlying tissues, a pretrichial forehead lift can create a more youthful and refreshed appearance, improving facial harmony and reducing the signs of aging in the upper face.
How long should surgery take?
1-2 hours
What anesthesia is used?
Local with sedation or general
Recovery time
1-2 weeks
Insurance covered?
Not covered
Like all surgery, there are risks with forehead lifting. Some of the most pertinent risks include hair loss around incision sites, damage to the nerves that move the forehead or provide sensation to the scalp, a fluid or blood collection that may need to be drained, poor wound healing, and risks associated with anesthesia
Although the degree of bruising and swelling after brow ptosis repair varies between patients, it is best to expect at least 2 weeks of bruising and swelling after surgery. Using ice and sleeping with the head of the bed up or using pillows to keep your head above your heart will help with this.
After surgery you will have a head wrap that will be removed after 24 hours. At the first post operative appointment, your sutures and or staples used to close the wounds will be removed. -
Typically, these procedures last anywhere from 10-15 years. After you’ve healed from your procedure